Universal Understanding of Gaia
Metal Print
€ 550,00 – € 950,00
We originate from the Divine source, the Universe, the dark magical womb. The Divine is all. It’s all around us, within and beyond Gaia. All life, all creation, began in this darkness of nothingness. The Divine beyond Gaia is a mystery for a reason, because our purpose on this planet is to understand the Divine within Gaia, to master the power within.
The 0th dimension of Gaia is the unhatched potential. I, the egg.
The gateway to Gaia is the moment of conception. The egg is fertilised and grounded in the 1st dimension, I am. An idea is born. When you are totally present, life can be experienced as a sequence of births. Rebirth after rebirth.
The play of Gaia starts with the freedom of choice between love and fear. This is the challenge of our game, collectively here on Gaia. I choose. The moment you choose, you create a will. With the power of the will you can bring an idea into action. I do. The idea is expanding, creating space. When you enter space, feelings occur. This is the experience of life. I feel. The green magic of this planet.
Moment after moment you make the choice between love and fear, based upon your experiences of doing (space) and feeling (time). This is the expression of life. I express.
In my understanding, the 5th dimension is the greatest potential for transformation. All answers are in the circle of true love. It’s the expression of giving and receiving. This is significantly different from the circle of life, often confused with the concept of love, which expresses in giving and taking. True love will give you the bird’s-eye view and the universal understanding of Gaia. It’s the gateway to the 6th, 7th and 8th dimension and connects you with yourself and the collective.
In the circle of true love, fear can still cross your path. This is the moment you touch the baseline. To remain in true love, face this fear with love and it will dissolve. Not facing fear will create more of it and will be passed on. Fear will not serve you and will only disconnect you from the 6th, 7th and 8th dimension. It will make you blind and ignorant, which is an expression of taking and rejection. Remember that all forms of fear can be dissolved by transforming it into love.
When you choose to express true love, you choose to connect with the observer. The observer, free from time and free from space, being in spacetime, will bring truth – I see – and understanding – I know.
The moment you understand yourself, you understand the world. I know I am. You are aware of yourself and the collective. An infinite process, until a finite end.
Gaia is the playground to express the Divine’s true love in our unique way.
This is our collective purpose.
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Ermelinde Sofia Zweers
+31 (0)6 4243 8222
Anna Paulownastraat 64
2518 BH, The Hague
The Netherlands
Live Gallery
Prinsestraat 116
2513 CH, The Hague
The Netherlands
Th/Fr/Sa/Su: 10.00 – 16.00
+31 (0)70 412 9760
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