Everything is, was and will be, a created duality, diversity, within the unity reality. We all “paint” together, at the same time, on the same canvas, as one. Let’s remember, we are creators and connected. We are free energy in essence, so let it transform in connection. Let’s love and live together, embrace our intuitive wisdom and rise up every moment, a play of intention and reflection, the challenge and joyful experience of creation. Let’s go back to the beginning, back through death, transforming into what we’ve always desired to know.
We have a collective purpose here on this planet Gaia, to vibrate our unique expression of true harmonic love, a creative energy, our true nature. We all share the legacy of life, to create a world together and celebrate, to master the power within, to be in connection and balance with Gaia, to honour life. Let’s be the guardians of Gaia, in acceptance of her cyclic nature of rebirths.
My desire is to inspire and motivate everyone, to illuminate our culture, to embrace and integrate self, to be present. Let’s reveal the true nature of life with Uitgevogeldt Together, a natural way of being, a natural philosophy, through reasoning, channelling, experience and observation, to bring happiness to all. It’s happening, life. Feel what resonates with you and be the conscious writer of your own story.
Our magic is vibrational, so let us be guided by our own wisdom.